Monday, June 4, 2012

Lucky's 13 *** 3/5 stars

And...we're back! Apologies for the extended hiatus... I got sidetracked by a trip to Costa Rica where I had the best Huevos Rancheros of my life...look for the post coming soon. But, first I have to recap the stellar Sunday Mother's day brunch that I enjoyed with my dearest friend, Gramma B and her handsome pack of men. Don't let the nickname fool you, she's not wrinkled or gray or slow moving, but she does own a kitchen better than most people I know. And, sometimes gramma needs a break from cooking, so we met for brunch in her neck of the woods @ Lucky's 13 in Bloomington. Normally we burst into flames when venturing outside the 494/694 loop during the weekend, but this was a special morning. 

So, Lucky's looks like pretty much every typical suburban frontage road restaurant sports bar. But this ain't yo mamma's Applebees, if you know what I'm saying... I mean, it's way better than you'd expect if you are a jaded minneapolite like me.

Also, if you're like me, you don't really like small things that live, but I make exceptions for certain individuals who use crayons for nose jobs.

There's the disc golf champion of the family. And don't get me started on the small fry, whom I affectionately call "my grandson". But enough about our future generation, let's talk about the booze.

The bloodies are decent, but what makes them great is that they come with a tiny BLT sandwich and a tiny baby Coors. Okay, so I never said I didn't like tiny things that don't live. Baby Coors is my grandson, too.

So, the mimosas are poured over ice, which made me leery, but they actually tasted great.

Let's get to the food, cuz it's good. Like, where have you ever seen walleye benedict with corn cakes on the menu? Let me know; I'd like to compare....

And the breakfast burrito was lovely according to B...

And here's a burger with an egg on it. That qualifies as brunch...

Mmmmm... bacon. Mason tried dipping everything on the table into his syrup and then finally gave up and tried to drink it straight out the dish. Way to go, junkie.

And then complimentary chocolate covered strawberries for the ladies. I fooled them cuz I didn't have to sqeeze out a baby and I still got the goods. Sorry, gramma...

My grandson says you'd better get yo ass down to Lucky's, fool. There's free popcorn.

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